Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Another libbie comes to his senses

This guys is taking some stick from the usual suspects. I'd fight back, and call a spade a spade and not an earth turning excavating implement. But that's just me. Enjoy my response, which may or may not be posted by the hair-trigger M&G , uber sensitive liberal commandos.


I was brought up in Yeoville. It was a nice, neat and tidy, blue-collar suburb in the 70's and leading into the 80's. I also lived many years in Hillbrow where it was cosmopolitan, lively, but safe and relatively clean. As a white man, you wouldn't find me within a mile of the pits today. They have been successfully 'transformed' into something more resembling anarchic, African hellholes than the once modest yet tidy suburbs they once were.

At the turn into the 90's when petty Apartheid laws were removed, I would hear the voices of the usual hand-wringing white liberals who would justify their stays with 'Well if they can afford the same rent as me, then they're more than welcome to live next door to me'. I knew then that that was pure folly and the full Umtatification would take place at lightning speed, and boy was I right!

So no, people. This ISN'T an economic issue, but one of cultural values. Stop excusing these people who regularly turn leafy suburbs into places where 'cultural traditions' take place and you listen to cows screaming in pain as they get slaughtered in driveways. ALL the apartments in Hillbrow and Yeoville were well maintained, clean and livable. Post-Apartheid they now appear to be war zones.

I must admit to some satisfaction when I read how some unenlightened feel-gooder comes to his senses. It is a moment of I-told-you-so for me. Don't listen to those who preach equality. It's nothing but a lie wrapped in political correctness.

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