Thursday, December 27, 2012

Zuma's dog

I woke up to read about whites driving bakkies in the rain with blacks exposed in the rear to the elements, while their pet dog is nice and snug in the front. I'll wager that if you hook up every one of these filth who believe this to be true to a lie detector, they'd all prove to be the liars they are. Even the most ardent racist of white farmers wouldn't do this, ESPECIALLY in the NuSA.

But what amazes me is that Zuma makes a racial slip, the media reports it, and suddenly this is all about white people. If I still lived in The Pit I'd be standing in the middle of a city square looking at everyone exclaiming, "Who me? What I do?" The simple truth is Zuma blamed whites for looking after their pets. His scurrying, snapping dog (appropriately) comes quickly to his defense and manages to pin this entire manufactured nonsense by a nation leader on the minority who are nothing more than innocent bystanders to this horrible racial mess.

But not to allow Gillian off the hook for not posting my last rebuttal, I tied this response into Zuma's recent tirade against whites.


The definition of hate-speech appears to be anything that disagrees with a Left winger's warped views.

But what EXACTLY is 'Whiteness' according to you Gillian? The rule of law? Social order and cohesion? Respect for the individual? The right to progress, work, live and generally behave like a model citizen as long as it does not impede on the rights of others? And if you do manage to pull off the anti-rhetoric-pro-logic impossible by explaining this definition, can we then assume that there must be a 'Blackness'? And if so, can we assume that in the event that Whiteness becomes inconsequential (as you believe) and irrelevant, that it will be replaced with a new - improved - dominant culture of Blackness? If so, please define this for us mere hoi-polloi.

We received a nice note commenting on our Whiteness yesterday from none less than Pres. Zuma. It seems that this 'Whiteness' lark is catching on, and worthy of some criticism. Whites seem to look after their pets and he takes issue with this. (A quick read up of the link between those who abuse animals and psychotic behaviour might be worthy of some of his Std 2 time).

But when called up on this ringing endorsement of Blackness, his patsy comes quickly to his defense and blames - you guessed it - WHITES! Not only that, they've conjured up mystery whites who drive in the rain with blacks in the rear of the bakkie with pets in the front seat.

Liars and race-hate-stirrers. And promoted by Gillian.

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