Thursday, November 22, 2012

Mbeki's African Rennaisance

I predict this will be binned never to see Thoughtleader daylight.


This really is quite typically African; placing the cart WELL before the tatty old nag that insist you on calling a horse. Mbeki claimed the African Rennaisance and waxed lyrical on it at his African Congress, without any actual examples, clues or hints at an ACTUAL rennaisance taking place on the continent. But this is what these folk do: call for a rennaisance at a congress, whose groundwork will be gazetted at a workshop, where these minutes will be refined at a Lekgotla, which will then further be dissected at a 'jamboree' (as once described by an M&G reporter) whose framework will be outlined at an Indaba. All populated with the usual puffed-suits with the complimentary 5-star treatment complete with buffet and blue-label.

The Romans described their period DURING their actual conversion. Africans ANNOUNCE their alleged forth-coming turn-around, then insist that we all recognise it. You see, not to accept it, or even - Shiva forbid - question it (using evidence and the continent's deplorable record on anything civil) is to be labelled an Afro-pessimist, but usually something stronger, and the race-cryptologists will be all over you.

But in this make-believe African world where phrases are more important that action, it is impossible to have an honest discussion over your values, your path to progress let alone your cultural failings which play a large part in your self inflicted misery. So until then, pretend all is well and that rhetoric will mend the day.

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