Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Brendon still getting stick

Think Thoughtleader has put my posts on high alert. I'll eat my chocolate hat if this gets posted.

One thing I've noticed with all the hand-wringing going on over Brendon's article, is that NO ONE takes him to task for his experience in Yeoville by calling 'Bullshirt'. You see, he gave us FACTS about his experience. The place IS a dirty lav (and it wasn't like that before). Crime and grime IS the order of the day. And he simply couldn't be bothered living like that anymore and came to the realisation that he has higher, Western standards than the inhabitants of the New (yet hopelessly unimproved) Yeoville have.

So the question is: What is really wrong with that?

Yeoville is a microcosm of what SA will soon become. So you can soon expect the rest of the country to follow suit, and more importantly, you will continue to see the attacks against those of us who cannot bear the new tatty SA ratcheted up, in lieu of any effort to improve the country. Far easier to play that dog-eared old race card than it is to accept your cultural shortcomings, and improve on them.

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