Saturday, January 26, 2013

Monuments to Hatred

This Sandile spends an awful lot of time conjuring up imaginary virtues inbetween smoking his socks.

Sandile dislikes me. He never posts my stuff. Too close to the bone of truth, I imagine.


Blacks have EQUALLY contributed to the 21st century modernity and sophistication? Really Sandile? I'd be interested in seeing how you came to that conclusion. And I'd need specifics.

But as to your post:

These Centers for Blackness would have some legitimacy (as well as passing interest) if the tributes to Fist-Wavers were part and parcel of a larger tribute to Black achievements other than political whining. How about adding a few titans of industry (and I don't mean those who got their moolah through suspect political means)? Or some inventors or discoverers? How about a few scientists and engineers? No? Wonder why (not)? That's how Whites measure cultural achievement, for your information.

Let's be honest here Sandile, strip away the fist waving and there's nothing left. This Center wasn't built as a nod to Blackness, but rather as a stab at Whiteness. The hatred for white folk by Black NuSAns is so strong, so overwhelming, and so all encompassing that they build monuments and museums to this hatred (ironically using white tax payers money).

But here's a challenge to you Sandile. Start building a list of Black Saffers who are part of this 'equal contribution' you mentioned, and try not use any strugglistas, alleged-artists, musicians, politicians, lawyers, politically connected exploiters or activists. If you get to ten names I'll be suitably impressed. This challenge goes for all.

The Too-Hard basket

Same old broken record with these idiots. Blame the white-man. I'm not defending Apartheid in this post, but I AM attacking the pathetic position that all the wrongs in black lives in SA can be blamed on the white man. The truth needs to be told, and I'm just the man to do it.

Doubt this will be allowed through the race-sieve at Thoughtleader.

Guinness Holic:

What a cheek. Now whites are to blame for the disgraceful productivity of black workers!

Black SAns received an education that far exceeded their contribution to society. They were out-breeding everyone and yet, the black education budget rose every year under Apartheid. The burden to society was enormous, and the fact that black Saffers did more to harm their own standard of living by producing more mouths to feed instead of investing in smaller families, is never really mentioned or addressed by the usual fist-wavers and white-kickers. I'm frankly sick of it.

Apartheid may not have been a fair system but as far as oppressive regimes go, they were a dismal failure. Black literacy rates rose, population increased, access to health and education levels (including tertiary) were unsurpassed EVEN THOUGH their personal/cultural practices were counter productive.

Black SAns had a VERY high standard of living when compared to the rest of Africa but this isn't the yard-stick you lot prefer using, but rather with those who had less in common with your cultures, namely white folk. It's all too convenient if you ask me.

Instead of bleating endlessly about your lot in life and why whites didn't do more (or less) for you, why is it that you can't seem to find your own boot straps, never mind pick them up? Why is everything in the 'too-hard' basket for you lot? Conditions never seem quite perfect enough for black NuSAns to thrive do they?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The happy NuSAns protestor

They've started destroying (white) stuff in Sasolburg. And not because whites have done anything to them. But just because they deserve it, I presume.


Can these people not find any other method or way of achieving their political and social goals and needs?  Even how their ANC meetings normally end - with the customary chucking-of-chairs - would be infinitely more acceptable than this. If the only way of getting your juvenile point across is to raze, loot, smash and pee on the inanimate objects that have nothing to do with your frustration, then you really should consider learning some other social/protesting skills that does not involve the destruction of other people's private property (notably white property I must add) that are a bit more acceptable.

The once grand and glorious Pretoria Station was burnt to the ground, all because a few trains were late. A random gathering of students, grannies, labourers and street sweepers colluded and organised to do this damage on a whim. How did that help them get to their destinations in a more timely manner? And did the management of said trains and stations suddenly become Mussolini-esque clock-watchers as a result of this bonfire?

The answer of course is no to both questions. And in much the same vein, this attempt to halt the drawing up of new municipal lines will result in naught, no matter which way the coin is flipped as the ANC have proven equally useless across all political spheres at managing anything more than a row of parked wheelbarrows, never mind anything as complicated as the bureaucracy of a municipality.

In truth, these vile protesters haven't the intelligence to understand what they need, only what they want, which are two entirely different things. These people NEED a well managed municipality which delivers it's services as efficiently and penuriously as possible. They WANT - however - for their pals to get the jobs, and for the status-quo of idiotic decisions, coupled with corruption and ineptness to continue. They are really too proud and too stupid and hate-filled to understand and appreciate that one blue-hair-rinsed old Afrikaner white woman who has worked for the post office for forty years, would be a better candidate to manage their social affairs, than any of the Xhosa-kissing-cousins they would prefer. And yes, race plays an unfortunate roll in their idiotic preferences and decisions making. So they should just continue to stew in their own rancid juices in my opinion. Sick of even giving these louts the time of my attention, no matter how much they would benefit from it if they wanted to listen.

Nothing but filth really. I have no use for them.

The world's friendliest criminals, apparently

This bizarre notion that South Africans are a nation of happy-go-lucky, hospitable people with a ready smile, needs to be knocked on the head.


Koreans are indeed extremely honourable, polite and decent people. I do a lot of business with Koreans and know them pretty well.

Bert, you mind-boggling belief that South Africans are considered, "...among the most hospitable people in the world", certainly flies in the face of the facts, which you have conveniently pointed out for us when you soberly admit that, "Sadly, one could not help but envy the Koreans the atmosphere of free and safe movement anywhere one went, during the day until late at night..." (as well as how astonished you were at the actions of your hosts).

You cannot be among the world's friendliest nations, yet have the highest murder, rape and violent crime rates too. And take a gander at how foreigners are treated at your international airports when entering and leaving, and you might take a rather dim view of the locals alleged 'friendliness' when compared with how you are treated in Korea.

South Africa USED to be a neat and tidy country with litter unseen, of course this was during the bad old Apartheid days when whites ruled, and the national flower was the Protea and not the OK Bazaars packet.

It should be noted that SA and Korea were on an economic par during the 60's, but SA has since been overtaken during that same decade and have been galloping ahead ever since. They are industrious, productive, diligent and honest. Virtues sadly lacking in todays New (yet hopelessly unimproved) South Africa. Korea had become a fully evolved and industrial first world nation a mere 8 years after the war with it's Northern neighbours was considered a tie. South Africa - 19 years as The NuSA - have done nothing but slip into the abyss of crime, cronyism and catastrophe. Led into this quagmire by the ANC and it's sycophantic supporters.

You should be sad when you leave Korea, Bert. Sad for leaving such beautiful people, and for the loss of all hope for your nation.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Forest, meet trees

Why is it that otherwise perfectly sane and cogent white South Africans refuse to see the woods for all those pesky trees? And why do they insist on calling a spade an earth turning excavating implement? Just spit it out! This journalist simply refuses to point out what we already glaringly understand with the root of the problems with SA cricket management instead of going through the fruitless exercise of dipping into the hat without picking up a rabbit.


Why can't you spit it out Neil and M&G? All the clues are there. This cricket hierarchical problem is just another typical NuSAns (New unimproved SAns) cork-up created by the ANC with their jobs-for-pals policies and idiotic Affirmative-Actionite appointees who wouldn't know which end of a cricket bat to hold (or point) if their pathetic, useless lives depended on it. But they are EXCELLENT at collecting a wage though, and attending paid-for BBB (Booze, Buffet & Baby-oil) workshops, summits, committees and lekgotlas.

How remaining SAns and cricket lovers put up with this charade is beyond me. I can only explain their tacitness away with the never-ending brain-drain the country is experiencing.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The NuSAns farm Luddite

Don't see this getting up off the cutting room floor.


ANY discussion on wage talks must include a very serious discussion on farm labourers productivity, or lack thereof. It would really help matters if they could do not just a full days work, but an honest one, and one that does not entail a lot of policing to keep an eye on them. The NuSAns workforce needs to enter the 21st century and start understanding they need to actually compete just like the rest of the natural world.

Labour costs in SA are astronomical when you take into account their deplorable work ethic, as well as the management and administration required to keep them all in line. Farmers and other labour intensive industries are at their wits ends in dealing with them, and keeping their fiscal balls juggled. Time the ANC and their useless voters started to take responsibility for their terrible attitude towards their betters, as well as their productivity.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Village! We've found another idiot.

It's always the same old tune the monkey-grinders in SA wind up. It's all rather tiring. Again, I attempt to make them see the err of their ways.


I feel I really must address this '350 year of oppression' Bolshevism that's continually spouted by the usual suspects.

Firstly, the VAST MAJORITY of blacks were ignored for the better part of 150 of those years. Secondly, you really have to be some sort of pathetic fool if you believe that you personally (or even by extension) have been directly or indirectly oppressed for those same 350 years. My great grandfather was shot in WWI leaving behind 4 sons. My grandfather was captured by Germans in WWII and not handed a good time of it, but two generations later I couldn't even possibly believe at any level, that Germany or modern day Germans owe me anything other than a how'd-you-do. As normal people we move on from tragedy or tragic situations and better ourselves. The past shapes our future somewhat, but not to the extent Africans like to believe (or is it perhaps to garner sympathy from the ever growing number of sycophantic white liberals?).

If the strength of our personal characters and the virtues of our cultures are measured by how we overcome adversity, then surely you receive a big, fat zero for whining constantly about your lot in life, pointing fingers at those who DO progress despite it all and kvetching over how others feel about you?

Black NuSAns need to start doing things for themselves. The most damning statistic and measure of Blackness in SA is the fact that there are more white start up companies than black.

Hamlet Act III Scene II

Another idiot attempts to convince those of us with at least half a functioning brain that he's a real thinker.

Wonder if he'll catch the link between his feminism and my Shakespeare paraphrase.


What a load of gobbledygook attempting to be passed as high-brow original thought. If you can't express yourself simply......

'Reflections on an epistle'? 'Poignantly invoked'? (I think you meant evoked). An 'accumulated history of normalised structural and material degradation and violence'? And these have all left your little senstivities all bruised, tattered and you now have a 'deep running nervous condition'? You poor baby.

You should stick to 'stoicly' (or stoically perhaps) enduring quiet violence (whatever the hell that is), whenever you come across 'Whiteness' and I assume all it's progressiveness, adaptability, innovation, rule setting, respect for law, order and the rights of others.

You and your people need to learn that there is arrogance and confidence (both of which upset those who don't understand and who refuse to accept their own limitations and mediocrity), and learn to tell the difference. What you're largely witnessing - sorry - enduring, is not earned white arrogance but what is really nothing more than strident confidence. But when you sit and gaze upon the actions of an opposing culture in all it's glory, like I do, and make some casual observations and comment on its backwardness, it really isn't that difficult to feel as if you belong to the better, stronger and more civilised culture, which is apparently this 'Whiteness' you prattle on about.

Personally, methinks you doth project too much.

Stick to laughing Sekoe. Mirthlessly.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

One to watch

This was a good start for the year. I believe Deidre is one to keep our collective eye on. She's smart and can lay her thoughts out on paper. Always a danger to the idiot-class and politicians.


This was a cogent, well thought out, organised and comprehensive list of what needs to be immediately addressed in SA. You've done your research Deidre and you have your facts. Please continue contributing to Thoughtleader.

I have one issue with your list though. Number four mentioned debating farm wages. Firstly, the market needs to dictate what wages people earn, not government lackeys or parliamentarians, especially those who couldn't spell or even count to the minimum wage. Besides, raising the minimum wage will affect employment.

But the main question needing ACTUAL discussion is not the matter of recompense, but the one of productivity, which is a discussion best held between workers, employers and the ANC (if they feel the need to get involved). Pay is intrinsically linked to productivity so it's impossible to have a discussion on one without addressing the other. Unfortunately, this will never be acknowledged as it will ultimately reveal the soft underbelly of the NuSAns workers and their gob-smacking lack of productivity and destructiveness. Last year SA tea pickers went on strike. It was discovered that your average postpartum Tamil tea picker picks enough tea in 25 days to outdo the pickings of your average strapping male Saffer tea picker in an entire season!

This should embarrass SAns. But it won't because it'll be explained away as being racist to mention it. That's how SAns face problems, and how The ANC will deal with all 9 of your points Deidre.

Whites, just shut the hell up!

This Gillian is a peach. I'd hate to be cornered at a cocktail party (not that the places she frequents would have cocktails) with her yammering away about her pet peeves.


More insipid rot from Gill and supported by the ne'er-do-wellers.

But SA whites must read and heed her warnings: They must just shut the hell up and NOT take part in the democratic process, must NOT complain or point out the blatant obvious failings of Blackness, and proceed post haste with redistributing their 'ill gotten gains'.

Her perspective is wrong: You'll notice we're told that whites see themselves as superior, NOT that blacks see themselves as inferior; whites must lower their Western standards (dressed up as understanding Blackness) instead of Blacks raising theirs.

White complaints - if they were invalid - would be simply dismissed and laughed out of whatever medium is holding them. But they're not. You see the TRUTH hurts, not fanciful lies which explains why we never hear of a reasoned argument from blacks as to what their REAL beefs are with whites, other than the usual hoary old race chestnuts which has done much to absorb the pressure of facts and shut white folk up from their damned eternal complaints. But not me. I simply won't sit by and watch a culture implode just because a bunch of bruise-easy denialists can't keep up with a changing world.

Truth is, whites have been all too keen to participate in the New (unimproved) SA not just through their tax contributions, but by embracing The NuSA and what it now stands for. Black SAns need to get over their hatred and accept whites, and while they're at it, REALLY listen to them.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

These people are just simply horrible....and horribly simple

A short response to one of these Bush-college graduates who seems to think that because he Affirmatively Actionised an iPad and can read the news, that his opinion is actually worth something.

Problem is, it is where he comes from amongst his peers.


Are you serious? Blame the victim? How typically NuSAns (New - unimproved - South African) of an attitude. It is quite evident from your spelling and atrocious grammar that your education was somewhat wanting. This is further enforced by your skewed logic and immature Afro-morals.