Saturday, December 29, 2012

Another AAIC does a number

Methinks the hair-trigger race-o-meter used to monitor posts at the M&G will be kicking this to the curb. What say you?

This is so sadly laughable on so many levels, especially considering Zuma's comments this week on White culture. How desperate are people for jobs in SA?

It's probably safe to assume that these poor candidates died at the hands of some over-preened, under-qualified Affirmative Actionite who did things the 'African' way. No planning, no set rules, no contingency plans and definitely no outline as to what the limits were, or if there were any pre-screening done on these applicants health. In a country riddled with AIDS, TB and a number of other diseases that had been previously wiped out during the awful Apartheid years, you'd think a bit of thought would have gone into this mid-summer nightmare. But no. The AAIC (Affirmative Actionite In Charge) forged ahead with some ham-fisted attempt at weeding out the slower candidates. And some paid with their lives.

But at what point did they stop the 'screenings' and put a halt to their tests? (If they bothered of course). Surely a few tentacles were raised after the first collapse, and surely they would have at least paused proceedings after the first death? Well, that wouldn't be the African way now would it? What do we Whities know?

It is disgustingly obvious that a politically connected half-wit, used to joining hands under the mahogany table for some palm crossing, was the person who managed this stupidity. But will there be an investigation? Funny you should ask. These buffoons are not done with their Afro-charade, they continue the entire pseudo-bureaucratic mess by handling the aftermath in the only way they know how; by ordering a meeting. No doubt this meeting will take place at some swanky hotel complete with bigwigs flown in from the outer reaches of Limpopo (and other hellholes), ostensibly looking for answers, and to be lathered up with the best booze, buffet and baby-oil white South African tax paying money can buy.

They should honestly make you sick, as an honest SA citizen. But I doubt it. The carnage and mis-management will continue unabated and unchallenged, and whites will be ultimately blamed, just like they always are.

1 comment:

  1. Copied and pasted this to the similar IOL article. We'll see what happens:
