Sunday, November 18, 2012

No one safe in Marikana

A response to Gillian Schutte who seems almost enamoured with these people. She obviously doesn't know them, and by the tone of her blog has nothing but sympathy for them and their alleged plight.

Guinness Holic:

Community member, mine worker, activist? With that skill-set, it's amazing he couldn't rustle up and hang a toilet door!

You make the man sound so noble, almost regal in the face of 'white adversity'. But you fail to ask the real economic and socio-political questions of this well-etched face (as you can tell, I think very little of your choice in coffee-drinking chums): When will he and his riotous Luddites start to make their feelings shown by less destructive means? Why do you - post uhuru - still insist in making business 'ungovernable'? And how much do you think it costs in extra labour, and naturally more management to do the same amount of work it would take a handful of postpartum Tamil tea pickers to do if given the opportunity (these ladies do the same work of the annual production of your average NuSAns worker, in less than 30 days)?

I'm really sick of this hand-wringing that SAns go through in order to cleanse their little liberal souls. Make no excuses for them. These workers make their own beds, and must lay in them (with or without toilet doors it seems). I have no sympathy for them. It takes an extraordinary amount of money, resources and patience to deal with them and get a modicum of productivity with the maximum amount of hassle out of them. And until they can take some pride in themselves (and their living quarters), and take a proper, decent and more respectable approach to their grievances, I will continue to side with business.

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