Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Whites, just shut the hell up!

This Gillian is a peach. I'd hate to be cornered at a cocktail party (not that the places she frequents would have cocktails) with her yammering away about her pet peeves.


More insipid rot from Gill and supported by the ne'er-do-wellers.

But SA whites must read and heed her warnings: They must just shut the hell up and NOT take part in the democratic process, must NOT complain or point out the blatant obvious failings of Blackness, and proceed post haste with redistributing their 'ill gotten gains'.

Her perspective is wrong: You'll notice we're told that whites see themselves as superior, NOT that blacks see themselves as inferior; whites must lower their Western standards (dressed up as understanding Blackness) instead of Blacks raising theirs.

White complaints - if they were invalid - would be simply dismissed and laughed out of whatever medium is holding them. But they're not. You see the TRUTH hurts, not fanciful lies which explains why we never hear of a reasoned argument from blacks as to what their REAL beefs are with whites, other than the usual hoary old race chestnuts which has done much to absorb the pressure of facts and shut white folk up from their damned eternal complaints. But not me. I simply won't sit by and watch a culture implode just because a bunch of bruise-easy denialists can't keep up with a changing world.

Truth is, whites have been all too keen to participate in the New (unimproved) SA not just through their tax contributions, but by embracing The NuSA and what it now stands for. Black SAns need to get over their hatred and accept whites, and while they're at it, REALLY listen to them.

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