Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Too-Hard basket

Same old broken record with these idiots. Blame the white-man. I'm not defending Apartheid in this post, but I AM attacking the pathetic position that all the wrongs in black lives in SA can be blamed on the white man. The truth needs to be told, and I'm just the man to do it.

Doubt this will be allowed through the race-sieve at Thoughtleader.

Guinness Holic:

What a cheek. Now whites are to blame for the disgraceful productivity of black workers!

Black SAns received an education that far exceeded their contribution to society. They were out-breeding everyone and yet, the black education budget rose every year under Apartheid. The burden to society was enormous, and the fact that black Saffers did more to harm their own standard of living by producing more mouths to feed instead of investing in smaller families, is never really mentioned or addressed by the usual fist-wavers and white-kickers. I'm frankly sick of it.

Apartheid may not have been a fair system but as far as oppressive regimes go, they were a dismal failure. Black literacy rates rose, population increased, access to health and education levels (including tertiary) were unsurpassed EVEN THOUGH their personal/cultural practices were counter productive.

Black SAns had a VERY high standard of living when compared to the rest of Africa but this isn't the yard-stick you lot prefer using, but rather with those who had less in common with your cultures, namely white folk. It's all too convenient if you ask me.

Instead of bleating endlessly about your lot in life and why whites didn't do more (or less) for you, why is it that you can't seem to find your own boot straps, never mind pick them up? Why is everything in the 'too-hard' basket for you lot? Conditions never seem quite perfect enough for black NuSAns to thrive do they?

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