Thursday, January 10, 2013

Village! We've found another idiot.

It's always the same old tune the monkey-grinders in SA wind up. It's all rather tiring. Again, I attempt to make them see the err of their ways.


I feel I really must address this '350 year of oppression' Bolshevism that's continually spouted by the usual suspects.

Firstly, the VAST MAJORITY of blacks were ignored for the better part of 150 of those years. Secondly, you really have to be some sort of pathetic fool if you believe that you personally (or even by extension) have been directly or indirectly oppressed for those same 350 years. My great grandfather was shot in WWI leaving behind 4 sons. My grandfather was captured by Germans in WWII and not handed a good time of it, but two generations later I couldn't even possibly believe at any level, that Germany or modern day Germans owe me anything other than a how'd-you-do. As normal people we move on from tragedy or tragic situations and better ourselves. The past shapes our future somewhat, but not to the extent Africans like to believe (or is it perhaps to garner sympathy from the ever growing number of sycophantic white liberals?).

If the strength of our personal characters and the virtues of our cultures are measured by how we overcome adversity, then surely you receive a big, fat zero for whining constantly about your lot in life, pointing fingers at those who DO progress despite it all and kvetching over how others feel about you?

Black NuSAns need to start doing things for themselves. The most damning statistic and measure of Blackness in SA is the fact that there are more white start up companies than black.

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