Sunday, January 20, 2013

The world's friendliest criminals, apparently

This bizarre notion that South Africans are a nation of happy-go-lucky, hospitable people with a ready smile, needs to be knocked on the head.


Koreans are indeed extremely honourable, polite and decent people. I do a lot of business with Koreans and know them pretty well.

Bert, you mind-boggling belief that South Africans are considered, "...among the most hospitable people in the world", certainly flies in the face of the facts, which you have conveniently pointed out for us when you soberly admit that, "Sadly, one could not help but envy the Koreans the atmosphere of free and safe movement anywhere one went, during the day until late at night..." (as well as how astonished you were at the actions of your hosts).

You cannot be among the world's friendliest nations, yet have the highest murder, rape and violent crime rates too. And take a gander at how foreigners are treated at your international airports when entering and leaving, and you might take a rather dim view of the locals alleged 'friendliness' when compared with how you are treated in Korea.

South Africa USED to be a neat and tidy country with litter unseen, of course this was during the bad old Apartheid days when whites ruled, and the national flower was the Protea and not the OK Bazaars packet.

It should be noted that SA and Korea were on an economic par during the 60's, but SA has since been overtaken during that same decade and have been galloping ahead ever since. They are industrious, productive, diligent and honest. Virtues sadly lacking in todays New (yet hopelessly unimproved) South Africa. Korea had become a fully evolved and industrial first world nation a mere 8 years after the war with it's Northern neighbours was considered a tie. South Africa - 19 years as The NuSA - have done nothing but slip into the abyss of crime, cronyism and catastrophe. Led into this quagmire by the ANC and it's sycophantic supporters.

You should be sad when you leave Korea, Bert. Sad for leaving such beautiful people, and for the loss of all hope for your nation.

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