Another idiot attempts to convince those of us with at least half a functioning brain that he's a real thinker.
Wonder if he'll catch the link between his feminism and my Shakespeare paraphrase.
What a load of gobbledygook attempting to be passed as high-brow original thought. If you can't express yourself simply......
'Reflections on an epistle'? 'Poignantly invoked'? (I think you meant evoked). An 'accumulated history of normalised structural and material degradation and violence'? And these have all left your little senstivities all bruised, tattered and you now have a 'deep running nervous condition'? You poor baby.
You should stick to 'stoicly' (or stoically perhaps) enduring quiet violence (whatever the hell that is), whenever you come across 'Whiteness' and I assume all it's progressiveness, adaptability, innovation, rule setting, respect for law, order and the rights of others.
You and your people need to learn that there is arrogance and confidence (both of which upset those who don't understand and who refuse to accept their own limitations and mediocrity), and learn to tell the difference. What you're largely witnessing - sorry - enduring, is not earned white arrogance but what is really nothing more than strident confidence. But when you sit and gaze upon the actions of an opposing culture in all it's glory, like I do, and make some casual observations and comment on its backwardness, it really isn't that difficult to feel as if you belong to the better, stronger and more civilised culture, which is apparently this 'Whiteness' you prattle on about.
Personally, methinks you doth project too much.
Stick to laughing Sekoe. Mirthlessly.
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