Why is it that otherwise perfectly sane and cogent white South Africans refuse to see the woods for all those pesky trees? And why do they insist on calling a spade an earth turning excavating implement? Just spit it out! This journalist simply refuses to point out what we already glaringly understand with the root of the problems with SA cricket management instead of going through the fruitless exercise of dipping into the hat without picking up a rabbit.
Why can't you spit it out Neil and M&G? All the clues are there. This cricket hierarchical problem is just another typical NuSAns (New unimproved SAns) cork-up created by the ANC with their jobs-for-pals policies and idiotic Affirmative-Actionite appointees who wouldn't know which end of a cricket bat to hold (or point) if their pathetic, useless lives depended on it. But they are EXCELLENT at collecting a wage though, and attending paid-for BBB (Booze, Buffet & Baby-oil) workshops, summits, committees and lekgotlas.
How remaining SAns and cricket lovers put up with this charade is beyond me. I can only explain their tacitness away with the never-ending brain-drain the country is experiencing.
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