Sunday, February 2, 2014

The SA rag

William Saunders is alright. But he gets all giddy every now and again and leaves the trail becoming another yes-man to the NuSA ways.

There are a number of problems with your Constitution. If you cast your mind back you will remember that Nelson Mandela and Cyril Ramaphosa's sole contribution to the design of the paper came about in the fourth workshop after a number of days of dead silence. 'All' they wanted was the ability to alter the Constitution with a 2/3rds majority. Why? What was so important about this? Could it perhaps have been a wiggle out and guarantee incase the policies of the ANC failed and they needed a ways and means to circumvent the Constitution and move on with their political agenda?

It certainly appears so.

The SA Constitution has been altered and amended 17 times in less than 20 years. The US Constitution has had 27 in over 200 years and each took an enormous amount of political will to alter. Each and every SA Amendment took place over a cup of tea.

Watch this space into Zuma's 2nd term.

There are other flaws; the fact that parties and not representatives are elected. Zuma didn't gain any votes, his party did and duly appointed him, which is typical for all your ministers. It is difficult to hold anyone accountable if they're never elected by the people. You have NO ministerial representatives.

There are also no restrictions to the size of the SA government. Hence the reason we see Zuma manufacturing departments and ministerial positions for his pals. This Constitution was a paper for the party (in charge) not a paper for the people.

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