Saturday, March 9, 2013

He's an editor? Really?

Shockingly bad article, yet some of the responses are noticeably encouraging.


I'm stunned that you have been Affirmatively Actionised into the position of editor, Makhudu. This was badly written, filled with mistakes and your point was not well made. So we shouldn't be angry, but we must?
Ignoring how appalling this piece was, I wish to point out that whenever whites decide to complain, 'whinge', form a protest against the government or otherwise make their negative presence felt, they are immediately branded as racists for acting against the noble rule of the black man. How on earth you're supposed to act democratically as a responsible citizen and a minority, when you're 'put in your place' by the ruling class with the eager approval of the vast majority of the country (including you, I suspect Makhudu), is beyond me.
I also would like to mention that the rest of the world is NOT sitting on the edge of it's seat, waiting for South Africans to make another move (irresponsible or other), or prove to us all why you're such wonderful people. You're really not all that important. In fact, on the contrary; we view you as being nothing more than on the road to being another failed African state. As far as we can all see, it's only a matter of time before we start seeing little kids in America jangling tins outside Macy's at Christmas telling us that it doesn't snow in South Africa.
White people in SA need to be angry at The ANC and all it's blithering idiot cadres, comrades and appointed filth. They also need to be angry at YOU and your media chums Makhudu as you have failed the democracy by not doing enough to inform, point fingers and hold the government accountable. You too (and your black media journalists) are culpable as you ignored the failings of Mandela, the complacency of Mbeki and the unadulterated lunacy of Zuma. Until now, while it is convenient. Truthfully, the rot started a long time ago, it is sheer cowardice to apportion blame, and even hint at white irresponsibility while you have dithered, fawned, ignored and patronised while the going was relatively good. Well now it isn't. How gutless.
First, embrace whites and accept them as your fellow South Africans with an equal voice in how your country is governed, with all the respect minorities should be afforded. Secondly, recognise the contribution (in particular their taxes) whites make to the country and how productive and valuable they are. Thirdly, roundly condemn the ANC excesses and the destructive actions of your fellow black protesters. And fourthly, start acting responsibly and give whites the voice they need to set the country straight.
As an editor, you should set an example. I will be keeping an eye on you from here on out.

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