Sunday, February 2, 2014

More Affirmative Actionite gobbledygook

Another white hating writer-wannabee. They can't string two sentences together, never mind a single thought. But here they are whining and moaning about whites and how ungrateful we are and racist. They really all are a one-trick pony. I'm hearty done with their hatred.

G-man response which will no doubt be canned:

You'll have to forgive me but judging from your logic, your use of facts and statistics (as unreliable as they are) and your general use of grammar and sentence structure it seems safe to assume that you are a beneficiary of an Affirmative Action appointment? This entire piece is atrociously written, and isn't even anywhere near 'blog' status in my view.
Whites have traditionally had a low unemployment rate and no amount of firing them to make way for new AA blood seems to have slowed them down, as they are the LARGEST - in absolute numbers, not in percentage - of new business owners in SA. Further, when reading these figures it should be understood that it isn't as simple as black-or-white ('scuse the metaphor) but also a point of under and over employment. It stands to reason if preference is given to people based on how much light they absorb over any other criteria (being 'qualified' simply isn't enough, you must be suited), then it stands to reason that black people will be by-and-large OVER employed as they will be given positions they have not yet fully deserved or earned, and in many cases through desperation to conform to law, qualified for.
Whites, who may very well be qualified, will now for reasons of politics will thus be UNDER employed and be doing jobs below their qualifications. This is well borne out in the marketplace in South Africa where you now have a shortage of skills. Anecdotal evidence aside, it is very obvious from the overall state of your economy, it's downward slide in the world rankings (and Africa's) that AA, BBEEE and other useless acronymic policies are having a very negative effect.
And don't forget that many whites who saw the large misspelt Affirmative Action writing on the wall left the country before they became a negative statistic. You need to ratchet these policies backwards and then abandon them. It creates divide in the workplace, and it speaks volumes of how dimly you view white South Africans in that you don't put any trust in them to do the right thing in the new SA environment. It's frankly quite insulting. Maybe have a re-look at your attitude to whites Khaya.

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