Not my best, but gets the point across.
I'm trying to wrap my head around your point. It may be clear to you Gillian, but not to us; other than white people=bad, all others=good.
But to put the above into proper perspective it needs to be dissected. The fact of the matter is that poor black people (the poor, as Sandile has suggested you've avoided labeling), are victims of other black people: their government. White people (the middle class that you're alluding to) are doing all they can to elevate them by employing them, contributing to their lot by taxes and charity.
You are quick to look at the world through the eyes of the impoverished, but point blank refuse to see the New South Africa in all it's glory through those who are powerlessly watching the train smash go through it's slow motion African cycle which they all - consciously or subconsciously - see as nothing more than a repeat of the rest of African post-Uhuru calamities. The 'middle-class' are tired of being voiceless and politically impotent in the face of the ANC's antics, cock-ups and abuse, but are yet lambasted by the likes of yourself for simply not having enough empathy. They do, believe it or not. Even the likes of those you quote are merely voicing their frustration, albeit misdirected. And you can't blame them. They've had a gut-full of both being blamed for something they're powerless to amend, and fearful of their future.
Have some empathy for them, for a change. They're doing all they can.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Vote EFF people!
Well that's what this illiterate moron suggests we white folk do.
There is nothing so quite precise, historically long and filled with grudges as the African memory of by-gone eras. Strange, when you consider they hadn't even placed their language into written form until only recently (or to be more exact, we did it for them).
The problem with the writer and his EFF henchman is that they believe wealth is somehow just lying around. Waiting to be picked up, or at worst, to be casually leveraged from some inanimate object that bears no relationship to wealth, without investment. Wealth is rather more complex. It is largely intellectual and knowledge based. You then have to apply your knowledge and experience in order to turn said turd into spun gold. This takes enormous logistical application and can be sustainable if maintained. Merely passing a running engine on to some uneducated, drooling Affirmative Actionite will do nothing but add to the amount of voyeurs to the spectacle.
I give you exhibit A: South Africa today and how badly maintained and mismanaged it is from the infrastructure, to general governmental administration. I wouldn't trust any of these Luddites with a can of oil and a wheelbarrow with a squeaky wheel.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Whites will NEVER do enough
I wrote to a responder of a posting and hit two birds with the one stone.
Whites HAVE changed their attitude to blacks. A long time ago. But you and your hate filled brothers and sisters are either too dumb or too racist to notice the difference. Whites pay the VAST majority of the taxes that the ANC squander with their abuse, mismanagement, outright theft and cadre deployment. The whites in SA are doing their part, it's the rest of the pipple that aren't doing enough to accept the hand of friendship and support that's been extended to them the past 20 years.
But the writer's opinion is wrong. The solution is NOT to attempt to convince the masses that their vote should be cast for the DA (frosty days and hell spring to mind), but for him, his family and in fact ALL Westerners (read, white people) to leave South Africa for pastures new and Africans to their own devices. You need to understand that whites are simply not welcome in SA anymore. Never have been in fact. So, the best you can do for them is to fly the coop, become part of the chicken run and swell the population of Perth, Pittsburg, Paris or Portsmouth, just as long as it's not an African pit. I did this in '96 when I saw the writing on the wall.
And when the excrement hit's the electricity-less fan, just send a couple of care-packages via the Red Cross, if you feel the need. I won't. I had a gut-full of listening to them yammering on about how badly done by they were, when I did my best to employ and uplift. Just got sick of their eternal ungratefulness.
Whites HAVE changed their attitude to blacks. A long time ago. But you and your hate filled brothers and sisters are either too dumb or too racist to notice the difference. Whites pay the VAST majority of the taxes that the ANC squander with their abuse, mismanagement, outright theft and cadre deployment. The whites in SA are doing their part, it's the rest of the pipple that aren't doing enough to accept the hand of friendship and support that's been extended to them the past 20 years.
But the writer's opinion is wrong. The solution is NOT to attempt to convince the masses that their vote should be cast for the DA (frosty days and hell spring to mind), but for him, his family and in fact ALL Westerners (read, white people) to leave South Africa for pastures new and Africans to their own devices. You need to understand that whites are simply not welcome in SA anymore. Never have been in fact. So, the best you can do for them is to fly the coop, become part of the chicken run and swell the population of Perth, Pittsburg, Paris or Portsmouth, just as long as it's not an African pit. I did this in '96 when I saw the writing on the wall.
And when the excrement hit's the electricity-less fan, just send a couple of care-packages via the Red Cross, if you feel the need. I won't. I had a gut-full of listening to them yammering on about how badly done by they were, when I did my best to employ and uplift. Just got sick of their eternal ungratefulness.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
More victims
They're such feeble people at times. And with this they'll continue to wonder why they're shunned.
Doubt this will be posted.
Really? And this passes as some sort of racism, or you find it uncomfortable? People who are foreign receive all sorts of polite queries (which is what these examples are) and the odd ignorant presumption. It's nothing to do with colour, race or creed, but everything to do with mistaken engagement. But this says so much about Africans and their preferred victim status. It shows such a weakness of cultural character that you have to build a website asserting your sensitivities and managing to garner so much support and eager messengers. Have you no shame?
What you should be doing is educating people on your home land. Setting an example, changing perceptions by being unmoved by petty ignorance. Why do you have to disassociate yourself from people, and make them feel so uncomfortable when you could be forgiving of such tiny slights? It's disgusting really. I'd be mortified if I was an African who didn't see himself as a victim of white people at every turn. Grow up already! It's become quite pathetic.
Someone named Mapula has responded. I have answered him.
Mapula. In every single example of ignorance above, it is patently obvious that these were the questions, responses and queries of initial encounters. These people holding the placards had some decisions to make. Quick ones. And they chose the wrong one.
The CORRECT response would have been to remain aloof, show a wry smile and then proceed to correct the misconception with an educated response. In this way they would have had the chance NOT to shame the person they encountered, but to both enlighten them and CHANGE the perceptions we all have of Africans (in particular). The broad perception of Africans is not incorrect if you take into account that so very few make a positive impression. You cannot and will not change broad stereotypes by reacting negatively, attempting to shame and blame, and accuse all and sundry of being racist (by implication if need be).
And what makes you lot so special? You don't think other cultures and races feel somewhat inferior and overwhelmed? The Koreans do at times, yet they combat this by playing up their virtues. And it works. What sort of cultural mien do you have, if your default position to any criticism (usually perceived) is to attack the messenger? When will you play the game as others play it? What are your virtues for that matter?
Africans need to take a long hard look at themselves. It's your biggest fault. Work at changing yourself and foreign perception will adapt accordingly. We're all frankly sick of your moaning and begging frankly. We don't need to understand you. We've all been there already.
And more:
Quite right Hopeful.
You can always count on Africans to draw their weapon, take careful aim, and then gleefully take part in some self foot-shooting. Case in point is this fruitless and counter-productive exercise in blaming-and-shaming.
For one moment let's look at the fall-out from this exercise. How will the people who attempted to engage (albeit clumsily) with these Africans feel about having their ignorance displayed for all to chortle over? Do these Africans not think that they will think twice before ever kicking off a conversation with an African in future? Or how about even getting to know Africans? Let's just chalk this down as 'score one' for insulating yourself from 'outsiders'.
And how about everyone else who may have thought about befriending an African? Do you not think they may take a wide berth lest they have some imagined slight, or a question taken out of context placed on a cardboard sheet and posted on a derogatory, shame-filled web site?
In other words these Africans have successfully separated themselves instead of merging with their peers, and all because they'd prefer shaking up their victim status. It's the default position of the bruise-easy weaker cultures.
Doubt this will be posted.
Really? And this passes as some sort of racism, or you find it uncomfortable? People who are foreign receive all sorts of polite queries (which is what these examples are) and the odd ignorant presumption. It's nothing to do with colour, race or creed, but everything to do with mistaken engagement. But this says so much about Africans and their preferred victim status. It shows such a weakness of cultural character that you have to build a website asserting your sensitivities and managing to garner so much support and eager messengers. Have you no shame?
What you should be doing is educating people on your home land. Setting an example, changing perceptions by being unmoved by petty ignorance. Why do you have to disassociate yourself from people, and make them feel so uncomfortable when you could be forgiving of such tiny slights? It's disgusting really. I'd be mortified if I was an African who didn't see himself as a victim of white people at every turn. Grow up already! It's become quite pathetic.
Someone named Mapula has responded. I have answered him.
Mapula. In every single example of ignorance above, it is patently obvious that these were the questions, responses and queries of initial encounters. These people holding the placards had some decisions to make. Quick ones. And they chose the wrong one.
The CORRECT response would have been to remain aloof, show a wry smile and then proceed to correct the misconception with an educated response. In this way they would have had the chance NOT to shame the person they encountered, but to both enlighten them and CHANGE the perceptions we all have of Africans (in particular). The broad perception of Africans is not incorrect if you take into account that so very few make a positive impression. You cannot and will not change broad stereotypes by reacting negatively, attempting to shame and blame, and accuse all and sundry of being racist (by implication if need be).
And what makes you lot so special? You don't think other cultures and races feel somewhat inferior and overwhelmed? The Koreans do at times, yet they combat this by playing up their virtues. And it works. What sort of cultural mien do you have, if your default position to any criticism (usually perceived) is to attack the messenger? When will you play the game as others play it? What are your virtues for that matter?
Africans need to take a long hard look at themselves. It's your biggest fault. Work at changing yourself and foreign perception will adapt accordingly. We're all frankly sick of your moaning and begging frankly. We don't need to understand you. We've all been there already.
And more:
Quite right Hopeful.
You can always count on Africans to draw their weapon, take careful aim, and then gleefully take part in some self foot-shooting. Case in point is this fruitless and counter-productive exercise in blaming-and-shaming.
For one moment let's look at the fall-out from this exercise. How will the people who attempted to engage (albeit clumsily) with these Africans feel about having their ignorance displayed for all to chortle over? Do these Africans not think that they will think twice before ever kicking off a conversation with an African in future? Or how about even getting to know Africans? Let's just chalk this down as 'score one' for insulating yourself from 'outsiders'.
And how about everyone else who may have thought about befriending an African? Do you not think they may take a wide berth lest they have some imagined slight, or a question taken out of context placed on a cardboard sheet and posted on a derogatory, shame-filled web site?
In other words these Africans have successfully separated themselves instead of merging with their peers, and all because they'd prefer shaking up their victim status. It's the default position of the bruise-easy weaker cultures.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
NuSAns indignance
Always the easy targets. Misguided, misinformed and gutless are these people.
These initiations are designed (I use that description guardedly) to degrade the initiated. It therefor stands to reason that the Heil salute insulted them. And as disgusting as this may be to all of us, no actual black person or anyone else for that matter was harmed in any way by this immature display.
But what do you want to transform the university from, and into what? You lot crying out for everyone to get behind transformation, usually fail to give us a precise description of what the transformed entity will look like once it's been stripped of it's 'whiteness'. A bit like Barack Obama's '08 nomination where he rallied the goggle-eyed faithful with the battle-cry 'Change'. No one stopped to ask what this change would consist of, and what exactly it was he hoped to change. It was all guesswork and airy-fairy platitudes.
But if only you and your supporters would have the guts (real guts, as opposed to patronising the majority against the mores of a minority) to take the ANC's ditty to task. You know the one: Shoot the Boer!
Now that has resulted in REAL casualties, unlike this pretend bruise-easy, indignance that is so easily feigned.
But if it's Change or Transformation you're looking for, why don't you ask the ANC and all their mother-hens to transform themselves into competent and skillful managers and administrators? They can tackle honesty and integrity once they've mastered those basic skills. Leave the silly school boys alone.
These initiations are designed (I use that description guardedly) to degrade the initiated. It therefor stands to reason that the Heil salute insulted them. And as disgusting as this may be to all of us, no actual black person or anyone else for that matter was harmed in any way by this immature display.
But what do you want to transform the university from, and into what? You lot crying out for everyone to get behind transformation, usually fail to give us a precise description of what the transformed entity will look like once it's been stripped of it's 'whiteness'. A bit like Barack Obama's '08 nomination where he rallied the goggle-eyed faithful with the battle-cry 'Change'. No one stopped to ask what this change would consist of, and what exactly it was he hoped to change. It was all guesswork and airy-fairy platitudes.
But if only you and your supporters would have the guts (real guts, as opposed to patronising the majority against the mores of a minority) to take the ANC's ditty to task. You know the one: Shoot the Boer!
Now that has resulted in REAL casualties, unlike this pretend bruise-easy, indignance that is so easily feigned.
But if it's Change or Transformation you're looking for, why don't you ask the ANC and all their mother-hens to transform themselves into competent and skillful managers and administrators? They can tackle honesty and integrity once they've mastered those basic skills. Leave the silly school boys alone.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
The Dewani attacks begin
I'm truly sad to see South Africans dismissing judicial process so easily, and having their opinions swayed by emotion and rhetoric, not facts.
The following is a reply after receiving a mouthful from various quarters and no counter argument worth spitting at.
It's disgusting. This poor man having to beg for his life twice. Once at the hands of your common-or-garden variety SA thugs, and now against the SAn judicial thugs who are no doubt under political and media pressure to hang him, and hang him high. He's paying for the sins of all the criminals who have sullied the name of SA, by being accused by a convicted lying, murdering piece of scum.
South Africans should be ashamed of themselves for believing the murderer. But you're so desperate to convince the world that it's outsiders' fault why you're so violent. You'd all apparently be peaceful if your criminals weren't tempted! Pull the other one. We who once lived there know better.
The following is a reply after receiving a mouthful from various quarters and no counter argument worth spitting at.
I read through all these replies and attempted to scrape any semblance of a case against the man from between all the ad hominem attacks and I couldn't find any.
The British decision to agree to have him return to SA was a political one, not a judicial one. And if you were in Dewani's place, after going through what he went through, losing his wife, being accused by EVERYONE in the country for a crime you didn't commit, and that includes judges (Shlippery Hlophe), politicians, the general public and the SA media who are all baying for his blood in a country where connected politicians get certain legal favours and avoid facing any repercussions for their doings, would you be any hurry to get there?
The entire case against Dewani rests on the the words of a convicted and admitted killer, and a few text messages. The text messages are turning up nothing. And the killer got a reduced sentence for 'spilling the beans'. In my world, where a man is presumed innocent before facing trial, he is someone who shouldn't even be brought before a court, much less go through this sham of a trial.
SAns never fail to shock the world. But this time you may pay very dearly if this comes out wrong for you. You're image as a tourist destination will be forever tarnished, and your rocky economy may never fully recover. SO think carefully before you begin to cast stones (or burning tyres, as is your wont).
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Paper thin these people
You can't make this up. Look at the comments. These people are delusional. Manufacturing racism out of thin air is quite an art.
Calm down here folks. This ladies bravery in the face of despicable racism needs to be placed into some sort of perspective in the NuSA. A quick glance at her experiences:
1. An uneducated old timer on his last legs with bad taste in TV shows states that people need educated (the horrors!) He also used a funny accent.This happened on Valentine's Day at a resort where people of colour seem comfortable enough to visit.
2. A FEW YEARS AGO a friend of a friend relayed another racial incident that no doubt plagues the deep and leafy confines of white business districts. It went along the lines of 'Nice to see a white face for a change'. I'm stunned at the viciousness.
3. A NUMBER of Christmases ago you received a text from an idiot. It was a distasteful joke. He should have been horsewhipped more for the lack of humour than the fact that it harmed no one. But be assured, my bruise easy lilly white paper thin skin was torn at the mention.
So that's it. Three alleged incidents. No one harmed. I'm more astonished how desperate people are to convince others they're not racist, and that they too are part of the victim class. The hunt for REAL evidence of white racism that supposedly permeates South African society continues.
You know what I'm looking for. Evidence of real white racism, not this tuppence worth. All this does is stroke the egos of the like-minded victim wannabees, and hammer the wedge between racial divide a little deeper.
Calm down here folks. This ladies bravery in the face of despicable racism needs to be placed into some sort of perspective in the NuSA. A quick glance at her experiences:
1. An uneducated old timer on his last legs with bad taste in TV shows states that people need educated (the horrors!) He also used a funny accent.This happened on Valentine's Day at a resort where people of colour seem comfortable enough to visit.
2. A FEW YEARS AGO a friend of a friend relayed another racial incident that no doubt plagues the deep and leafy confines of white business districts. It went along the lines of 'Nice to see a white face for a change'. I'm stunned at the viciousness.
3. A NUMBER of Christmases ago you received a text from an idiot. It was a distasteful joke. He should have been horsewhipped more for the lack of humour than the fact that it harmed no one. But be assured, my bruise easy lilly white paper thin skin was torn at the mention.
So that's it. Three alleged incidents. No one harmed. I'm more astonished how desperate people are to convince others they're not racist, and that they too are part of the victim class. The hunt for REAL evidence of white racism that supposedly permeates South African society continues.
You know what I'm looking for. Evidence of real white racism, not this tuppence worth. All this does is stroke the egos of the like-minded victim wannabees, and hammer the wedge between racial divide a little deeper.
Friday, February 7, 2014
Starry eyed do-nothing
A response to someone on news24 who can't seem to find the connection between putting a plan together, and implementing the damn thing.
You see, these plans are all introduced by the usual mielie-mouthed ANC, eagerly lapped up by your starry-eyed masses, of whom Maswabi is a card-carrying member. They spend too much time admiring these useless papers, and less time putting in the spade work. Exhibit A is the writer here who didn't even mention 'hard work' or 'performance'. They cannot make the simple connection between planning and implementing.
You hear too much of some or other problem being recognised by the ANC who immediately spring (or lumber, more like) into action and kick off with a general meeting to form a workshop, to lead to a lekhotla, to outline the framework of a jamboree, which in turn appoints a committee all fully served with the customary Blue Label Bells and Buffet.
It's why the country is being turned into cinders with the protests; it's all talk and absolutely no action. In their defense, the ANC are completely incapable of positive action and due diligence.
You see, these plans are all introduced by the usual mielie-mouthed ANC, eagerly lapped up by your starry-eyed masses, of whom Maswabi is a card-carrying member. They spend too much time admiring these useless papers, and less time putting in the spade work. Exhibit A is the writer here who didn't even mention 'hard work' or 'performance'. They cannot make the simple connection between planning and implementing.
You hear too much of some or other problem being recognised by the ANC who immediately spring (or lumber, more like) into action and kick off with a general meeting to form a workshop, to lead to a lekhotla, to outline the framework of a jamboree, which in turn appoints a committee all fully served with the customary Blue Label Bells and Buffet.
It's why the country is being turned into cinders with the protests; it's all talk and absolutely no action. In their defense, the ANC are completely incapable of positive action and due diligence.
Malenema a Leader?
Don't think the ANC are making plans for his votes. It might come AFTER the elections, but it will arrive.
This isn't about Malenema becoming a leader, but getting back into the ANC fold. He's a rabble-rouser by character. He has no actual talents or decision making skills, which are incidentally virtues crucial to becoming a leader of any caliber. Instead, Julius is doing only what he knows what to do best: gin up the lower IQ crowd, which he does admirably. But his ultimate goal is to use people to irritate the ANC cabal so much that they'll have no choice but to form a political union with him to save face, and to remove the voice of dissent.
With this, Apartheid's New Custodian will kill two birds with that one particular stone. They'll remove Malenema's voice from being an anti-ANC one, to a more palatable direction which will no doubt include whites as the scapegoat. The other is to pick up those votes he'll garner from the disillusioned crowd which may just hand the ANC that crucial 67% vote they need to remove even more white property and dignity.
He's not a leader, he's an opportunist Murray.
Monday, February 3, 2014
That dirty dirty word: Profit
I've written two responses to this article on Thoughtleader.
G-man 1:
Why is profit such a dirty word to you? And what on earth do you think these people do with their profits? Stuff in under a mattress and count it every evening before going to bed?
As Adam Smith pointed out (maybe the basic understanding of how profit works in the world has escaped you), It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.
Profits are divided up into taxable stated profit, business expansion, continued research, investment in stocks and firms, and cash in bank. All of which benefits man as it either employs people, funds more products and discoveries, or lent to people to purchase homes or businesses etc.
It is sad that there are actual grown-ups in this world who cannot see any benefit to profit. Even those who spend their lives helping others do so for personal reasons other than the pure unselfishness of it. It is where they find fulfillment, but it rarely does anything near as good as what ‘the profit’ does.
G-man 2 after some feedback:
From time of discovering a new drug, to submitting it to the FDA for approval, to having it tested, tried, checked, double checked and then finally having it peer reviewed and then placed into the mouth of the first patient, the cost is approximately $1 billion. GOVERNMENTS have made this so expensive, NOT private industry. Who the hell can go through all that for free? It makes perfect sense that if your initial outlay is so risky, and the expected returns so precarious that it would take financiers an awful lot of comfort before they would consider risking this sort of money. It is NOT the profit factor that makes these industries shy away from certain drugs, but the high cost of doing business, even before you CAN actually do any business, that makes it the high risk and costly industry it is.
But while we're at it, what is the percentage of taxable profit on any given drug? Or do you honestly believe everyone should be working for free in this industry? And why should people have to suffer in order to meet your general approval by working for mahala? As if this noble act is payment enough.
The average profit margin is around 12.2%. Most of that gets re-invested, taxed and used to fund the next project. What remains is in the low single figures. By removing this (even as the mild incentive it is) what difference to the overall cost will you be saving?
Personally, I'd rather take drugs from PROFITABLE businesses than those claiming virtuous poverty.
G-man 1:
Why is profit such a dirty word to you? And what on earth do you think these people do with their profits? Stuff in under a mattress and count it every evening before going to bed?
As Adam Smith pointed out (maybe the basic understanding of how profit works in the world has escaped you), It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.
Profits are divided up into taxable stated profit, business expansion, continued research, investment in stocks and firms, and cash in bank. All of which benefits man as it either employs people, funds more products and discoveries, or lent to people to purchase homes or businesses etc.
It is sad that there are actual grown-ups in this world who cannot see any benefit to profit. Even those who spend their lives helping others do so for personal reasons other than the pure unselfishness of it. It is where they find fulfillment, but it rarely does anything near as good as what ‘the profit’ does.
G-man 2 after some feedback:
From time of discovering a new drug, to submitting it to the FDA for approval, to having it tested, tried, checked, double checked and then finally having it peer reviewed and then placed into the mouth of the first patient, the cost is approximately $1 billion. GOVERNMENTS have made this so expensive, NOT private industry. Who the hell can go through all that for free? It makes perfect sense that if your initial outlay is so risky, and the expected returns so precarious that it would take financiers an awful lot of comfort before they would consider risking this sort of money. It is NOT the profit factor that makes these industries shy away from certain drugs, but the high cost of doing business, even before you CAN actually do any business, that makes it the high risk and costly industry it is.
But while we're at it, what is the percentage of taxable profit on any given drug? Or do you honestly believe everyone should be working for free in this industry? And why should people have to suffer in order to meet your general approval by working for mahala? As if this noble act is payment enough.
The average profit margin is around 12.2%. Most of that gets re-invested, taxed and used to fund the next project. What remains is in the low single figures. By removing this (even as the mild incentive it is) what difference to the overall cost will you be saving?
Personally, I'd rather take drugs from PROFITABLE businesses than those claiming virtuous poverty.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
The SA rag
William Saunders is alright. But he gets all giddy every now and again and leaves the trail becoming another yes-man to the NuSA ways.
There are a number of problems with your Constitution. If you cast your mind back you will remember that Nelson Mandela and Cyril Ramaphosa's sole contribution to the design of the paper came about in the fourth workshop after a number of days of dead silence. 'All' they wanted was the ability to alter the Constitution with a 2/3rds majority. Why? What was so important about this? Could it perhaps have been a wiggle out and guarantee incase the policies of the ANC failed and they needed a ways and means to circumvent the Constitution and move on with their political agenda?
It certainly appears so.
The SA Constitution has been altered and amended 17 times in less than 20 years. The US Constitution has had 27 in over 200 years and each took an enormous amount of political will to alter. Each and every SA Amendment took place over a cup of tea.
Watch this space into Zuma's 2nd term.
There are other flaws; the fact that parties and not representatives are elected. Zuma didn't gain any votes, his party did and duly appointed him, which is typical for all your ministers. It is difficult to hold anyone accountable if they're never elected by the people. You have NO ministerial representatives.
There are also no restrictions to the size of the SA government. Hence the reason we see Zuma manufacturing departments and ministerial positions for his pals. This Constitution was a paper for the party (in charge) not a paper for the people.
There are a number of problems with your Constitution. If you cast your mind back you will remember that Nelson Mandela and Cyril Ramaphosa's sole contribution to the design of the paper came about in the fourth workshop after a number of days of dead silence. 'All' they wanted was the ability to alter the Constitution with a 2/3rds majority. Why? What was so important about this? Could it perhaps have been a wiggle out and guarantee incase the policies of the ANC failed and they needed a ways and means to circumvent the Constitution and move on with their political agenda?
It certainly appears so.
The SA Constitution has been altered and amended 17 times in less than 20 years. The US Constitution has had 27 in over 200 years and each took an enormous amount of political will to alter. Each and every SA Amendment took place over a cup of tea.
Watch this space into Zuma's 2nd term.
There are other flaws; the fact that parties and not representatives are elected. Zuma didn't gain any votes, his party did and duly appointed him, which is typical for all your ministers. It is difficult to hold anyone accountable if they're never elected by the people. You have NO ministerial representatives.
There are also no restrictions to the size of the SA government. Hence the reason we see Zuma manufacturing departments and ministerial positions for his pals. This Constitution was a paper for the party (in charge) not a paper for the people.
More Affirmative Actionite gobbledygook
Another white hating writer-wannabee. They can't string two sentences together, never mind a single thought. But here they are whining and moaning about whites and how ungrateful we are and racist. They really all are a one-trick pony. I'm hearty done with their hatred.
G-man response which will no doubt be canned:
G-man response which will no doubt be canned:
You'll have to forgive me but judging from your logic, your use of facts and statistics (as unreliable as they are) and your general use of grammar and sentence structure it seems safe to assume that you are a beneficiary of an Affirmative Action appointment? This entire piece is atrociously written, and isn't even anywhere near 'blog' status in my view.
Whites have traditionally had a low unemployment rate and no amount of firing them to make way for new AA blood seems to have slowed them down, as they are the LARGEST - in absolute numbers, not in percentage - of new business owners in SA. Further, when reading these figures it should be understood that it isn't as simple as black-or-white ('scuse the metaphor) but also a point of under and over employment. It stands to reason if preference is given to people based on how much light they absorb over any other criteria (being 'qualified' simply isn't enough, you must be suited), then it stands to reason that black people will be by-and-large OVER employed as they will be given positions they have not yet fully deserved or earned, and in many cases through desperation to conform to law, qualified for.
Whites, who may very well be qualified, will now for reasons of politics will thus be UNDER employed and be doing jobs below their qualifications. This is well borne out in the marketplace in South Africa where you now have a shortage of skills. Anecdotal evidence aside, it is very obvious from the overall state of your economy, it's downward slide in the world rankings (and Africa's) that AA, BBEEE and other useless acronymic policies are having a very negative effect.
And don't forget that many whites who saw the large misspelt Affirmative Action writing on the wall left the country before they became a negative statistic. You need to ratchet these policies backwards and then abandon them. It creates divide in the workplace, and it speaks volumes of how dimly you view white South Africans in that you don't put any trust in them to do the right thing in the new SA environment. It's frankly quite insulting. Maybe have a re-look at your attitude to whites Khaya.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Teachers: Scraped from the bottom of the tertiary barrel.
Here we have another teachers mouthpiece too scared to call these people out. G-man does his bit to rectify this absurd perception.
Here's a novel idea; how about we raise the standards for teachers to qualify FIRST? It is outrageous to me that writers like yourself grind out the same platitudes with regards to your education system completely ignoring the very link in the schooling chain that is causing the most harm in South Africa: The teacher!
You can throw as much money as you want at this problem, hand out millions of iPads, refill libraries with books that were stolen, rebuild schools that were razed by the very scum we're trying to protect and promote, but it won't make a blind bit of difference if your teacher has zero respect for her vocation, is an Affirmative Actionite ne'er-do-weller and just sits around for 30 days waiting for his or her fat give-away check which the tax payer generously ponies up every month, except for occasionally relieving the boredom by molesting a few pupils.
I read through your piece twice Mohamed, and the word 'teacher' came up a grand total of ZERO times. You didn't miss this, you're just as brain-washed into believing these people deserve more money, and that the default feelings on teachers is that they're god-sends and require molly-coddling whenever they come down from the pedestal you placed them on. So, ergo, YOU are part of the problem!
THEY need to be held accountable and held to a higher standard than anyone else out there. And adding a little personal responsibility wouldn't go amiss either.
You already have one of the worst Rondt:student-literacy rates in the entire world. By going the tired old route of nibbling at the edge of the issue will do nothing if teachers don't perform. What you lot need is a backbone and to call the entire teaching profession out for what they have become; a blight on your country. Churning out illiterate unemployable rabble rousers year-in-year-out can only result in a breakdown of your entire society.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
The 400 year old tatty excuse put to bed
Continuing Gakwi's further education I have done my best to inform. But will he appreciate this? Not on yer Nelly! He is quick to denounce whites, thus positioning himself as superior, but this isn't enough to convince him he's a racist. The irony is go-smacking.
The challenge was very simple: Find virtue in your fellow man. You couldn't do it. You have simply denied that there is any, and have even gone so far as to avoid any responsibility of your opinions by suggesting that economically and historically you are a victim and therefor incapable of racism. But you were quick to denounce those same people, no? Surely, at some level, you must find some good in a class/race of people? This speaks volumes of you, but fortunately all your opinions - because of this attitude - can be dismissed as nothing more than the rants of a delusional race-baiter.
Have a word with yourself, if nothing else.
The '400-year-old' chestnut is such a weak excuse as to why your people can't make it in life. It is so absurd, so beyond modern comprehension as to be laughable. When will conditions be perfect enough for an African to thrive? When will you rid yourself of all excuses and accept your cultural shortcomings?
400 years ago none of us were alive, and all the repercussions of political actions since then have diluted to a point as to be immeasurable. So, you only have the modern era to contend with, and with the speed of communication, the vast spectrum of vocations to choose from - even if lumbered by historical reality - you must be able to progress beyond your past. But no. The easy-to-blame avenue is far more lucrative. It shows weakness in cultural character that you even have to go there.
Suck it up. Admit your failings. Move on.
The challenge was very simple: Find virtue in your fellow man. You couldn't do it. You have simply denied that there is any, and have even gone so far as to avoid any responsibility of your opinions by suggesting that economically and historically you are a victim and therefor incapable of racism. But you were quick to denounce those same people, no? Surely, at some level, you must find some good in a class/race of people? This speaks volumes of you, but fortunately all your opinions - because of this attitude - can be dismissed as nothing more than the rants of a delusional race-baiter.
Have a word with yourself, if nothing else.
The '400-year-old' chestnut is such a weak excuse as to why your people can't make it in life. It is so absurd, so beyond modern comprehension as to be laughable. When will conditions be perfect enough for an African to thrive? When will you rid yourself of all excuses and accept your cultural shortcomings?
400 years ago none of us were alive, and all the repercussions of political actions since then have diluted to a point as to be immeasurable. So, you only have the modern era to contend with, and with the speed of communication, the vast spectrum of vocations to choose from - even if lumbered by historical reality - you must be able to progress beyond your past. But no. The easy-to-blame avenue is far more lucrative. It shows weakness in cultural character that you even have to go there.
Suck it up. Admit your failings. Move on.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Well Gakwi has responded.
Evidently a glutton for punishment, and he doesn't know his betters never mind who he's up against. I gave him all the clues with my first response, but he obviously doesn't have the depth of intellect to avoid me.
His response to my previous post:
@Guinness, "Everybody knows white kids are orientated into racism from an early age by their parents and have to unlearn racism. It doesn’t happen automatically." You were probably raised by a Black woman but today you think you can stand on two feet and ask me what I know about white people? Let me tell you; they all think like you, that they're Messiahnic and are put on this earth to save helpless Blacks. News for you; I have never worked for a white person my whole life. I know a lot of Blacks who have never done so and who are doing far better that any Black person your white employers ever gave work. I probably know more about you than you do about me; that's why your whole comment is based on assumptions which don't belong to you; you were never born with but were inculcated to you over a dinner table. I was never subjected to such racist gibberish tutoring as a child that's why I don't seek your love or approval to speak my mind. And by the way what do you know about Africans (since your point of departure clearly indicates you don't see yourself as one but some settler)?
G-Man's retort:
Gakwi. I was respectful enough to not only NOT point out that you NEVER start off an opinion backed up with 'everybody knows' (in lieu of facts and statistics), but also gave you the benefit of the doubt by suggesting that you were generalising and not speaking in absolutes when I used the word 'generally' to describe your point. You are obviously not respectful or intelligent enough to recognise this.
But be that as it may, I must hold you to the standards you generally hold white people to: one of excellence. No more allowances for your obvious intellectual shortcomings, and no more letting you away with utter nonsense.
I did not base my comments on assumptions (think about it, but what did that actually mean?). I came to generally accepted conclusions based on the statistics on hand. My two conclusions were: Blacks are the bigger racists in South Africa, and that white racism is largely a dearly held myth, played by those who are attempting to cover their limitations, be they cultural or personal. This was simply concluded by pointing you to the inter-racial murder rates in SA.
My second conclusion (or assumption, as you refer to it as) was that whites are contributing far more to SA both socially and economically than their population figures would suggest. The reasons are immaterial, but the fact of the matter is SA's tax base is largely white. Your countries biggest employers are all white. These are ACTUAL generally held views that can be taken as fact. The IRS will back this up. There are only so many jobs for taxi-drivers and alleged writers and stick wavers.
Gakwi, I had asked you to simply look at white people on balance, as this was NOT an attempt to point out racial superiority. But this appears to be quite beyond your capabilities for reasons best known to yourself, but I suspect that your innate hatred for whites has blinded you to our virtues completely, and that you are only capable of seeing the alleged bad in us, which is wholly manufactured I might add. I neither asked nor expect any approval from you. On the contrary in fact.
In conclusion, I would add that you are a major part of what the problems in SA are. You are a paradigm of your nation's modern failures. REAL progressive countries wishing to better themselves fill their universities with engineers and economists. Scientists and financiers. You have chosen to go down the well worn path of destruction by becoming a political analyst. A rather useless and unproductive degree. And you are using what little use this degree might have, by bashing your fellow citizens over the head with.
His response to my previous post:
@Guinness, "Everybody knows white kids are orientated into racism from an early age by their parents and have to unlearn racism. It doesn’t happen automatically." You were probably raised by a Black woman but today you think you can stand on two feet and ask me what I know about white people? Let me tell you; they all think like you, that they're Messiahnic and are put on this earth to save helpless Blacks. News for you; I have never worked for a white person my whole life. I know a lot of Blacks who have never done so and who are doing far better that any Black person your white employers ever gave work. I probably know more about you than you do about me; that's why your whole comment is based on assumptions which don't belong to you; you were never born with but were inculcated to you over a dinner table. I was never subjected to such racist gibberish tutoring as a child that's why I don't seek your love or approval to speak my mind. And by the way what do you know about Africans (since your point of departure clearly indicates you don't see yourself as one but some settler)?
G-Man's retort:
Gakwi. I was respectful enough to not only NOT point out that you NEVER start off an opinion backed up with 'everybody knows' (in lieu of facts and statistics), but also gave you the benefit of the doubt by suggesting that you were generalising and not speaking in absolutes when I used the word 'generally' to describe your point. You are obviously not respectful or intelligent enough to recognise this.
But be that as it may, I must hold you to the standards you generally hold white people to: one of excellence. No more allowances for your obvious intellectual shortcomings, and no more letting you away with utter nonsense.
I did not base my comments on assumptions (think about it, but what did that actually mean?). I came to generally accepted conclusions based on the statistics on hand. My two conclusions were: Blacks are the bigger racists in South Africa, and that white racism is largely a dearly held myth, played by those who are attempting to cover their limitations, be they cultural or personal. This was simply concluded by pointing you to the inter-racial murder rates in SA.
My second conclusion (or assumption, as you refer to it as) was that whites are contributing far more to SA both socially and economically than their population figures would suggest. The reasons are immaterial, but the fact of the matter is SA's tax base is largely white. Your countries biggest employers are all white. These are ACTUAL generally held views that can be taken as fact. The IRS will back this up. There are only so many jobs for taxi-drivers and alleged writers and stick wavers.
Gakwi, I had asked you to simply look at white people on balance, as this was NOT an attempt to point out racial superiority. But this appears to be quite beyond your capabilities for reasons best known to yourself, but I suspect that your innate hatred for whites has blinded you to our virtues completely, and that you are only capable of seeing the alleged bad in us, which is wholly manufactured I might add. I neither asked nor expect any approval from you. On the contrary in fact.
In conclusion, I would add that you are a major part of what the problems in SA are. You are a paradigm of your nation's modern failures. REAL progressive countries wishing to better themselves fill their universities with engineers and economists. Scientists and financiers. You have chosen to go down the well worn path of destruction by becoming a political analyst. A rather useless and unproductive degree. And you are using what little use this degree might have, by bashing your fellow citizens over the head with.
Showing racism the red card
Usual race-mongering from another fist waver. I respond in kind.
It's as if he sat with a thesaurus, and then strung a few words together he hit with a dart. Incoherent. Pointless. Rambling. And that's its good points.
I'd also like to point out his projection here. What does he know of white people? How does he know how we're brought up, generally? If guys like Gakwi spent more time improving their cultural image, and less time looking for white racists, we would all get along a lot better. We're all hearty sick to death having to hear constantly about how bad we are, and how racism appears to be a one way ratchet. The truth is the complete converse of course. BLACKS appear to be the real dangerous racists out there (look at the cross racial murder statistics and let me know what you find), while whites are propping the black population up with jobs, a tax base to milk from, and a civil society in which they can thrive. But they're doing their utmost to bend the truth, cause havoc and generally muddy the social waters.
Here's a handy tip Gakwi: Don't worry about the antics of some uneducated, over paid sports figure. We don't pay any attention to them. Spend more time convincing your fellow Africans to stop the race-baiting and see us for our virtues, and what we bring to the table.
Nice chatting to you. No charge for all this value rolled into one reply to an illiterate mess.
It's as if he sat with a thesaurus, and then strung a few words together he hit with a dart. Incoherent. Pointless. Rambling. And that's its good points.
I'd also like to point out his projection here. What does he know of white people? How does he know how we're brought up, generally? If guys like Gakwi spent more time improving their cultural image, and less time looking for white racists, we would all get along a lot better. We're all hearty sick to death having to hear constantly about how bad we are, and how racism appears to be a one way ratchet. The truth is the complete converse of course. BLACKS appear to be the real dangerous racists out there (look at the cross racial murder statistics and let me know what you find), while whites are propping the black population up with jobs, a tax base to milk from, and a civil society in which they can thrive. But they're doing their utmost to bend the truth, cause havoc and generally muddy the social waters.
Here's a handy tip Gakwi: Don't worry about the antics of some uneducated, over paid sports figure. We don't pay any attention to them. Spend more time convincing your fellow Africans to stop the race-baiting and see us for our virtues, and what we bring to the table.
Nice chatting to you. No charge for all this value rolled into one reply to an illiterate mess.
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