Thursday, February 21, 2013

These people are Tukking insane....and hatefilled

From M&G. In response to an idiot, Dikgang Kekana.


Then you're as big an idiot as what all these students are.

While the rest of the world's tertiary institutions are clamoring for and enticing the best and brightest of lecturers in their fields, The New (unimproved) South Africa's 'youf' are demunding that their universities choose lecturers and management on light absorption virtues. Yes, you lot can all pretend that there are buckets full of black lecturers languishing at home instead of plying their trade, but we all know the truth: there simply isn't enough good black managers and lecturers to train students in any worthwhile skills in any numbers worth bragging about.

But why would these NuSAns INSIST on 'transformation' (a euphemism for less white, more black faces)? Your motivation can be nothing other than hatred. You can all dress this up anyway you like, but the simple truth is your burning hatred for whites is so intense, you would rather have a second or third rate education just as long as the lecture room chiaroscuro politics is correct. How gob smackingly stupid and self destructive can you be?

Let's face it. The examples of good black management and lecturers is so thin on the ground as to be relatively non-existent in The NuSA. The country is begging for good leadership, yet the pipple insist on sticking one in the eye of the white man before thinking of their own future and progress in the world. Says a lot about Afro-Alzheimer's (forget everything except the grudges). Keeping the hate alive, daily, even though it's hurting them far more than it does white folk, ironically.